St Annes PTA

Representing Parents & Teachers and Supporting Pupils

Welcome to the Website of the Parent Teacher Association of St Annes National School, Shankill, Co. Dublin

Thursday 26 April 2012

Big Crowds at Art Exhibition

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Several hundred kids, parents, family members, friends and teachers attended the Art Exhibition in the school on April 25th and there was a real buzz about the event as can be seen from the shots below. The Exhibition was opened by Anthony Murnane of RTE News fame (above). So far, several hundred paintings have been sold and the remainder are still available in the school. We will update later with the final figure raised from picture sales and from the raffle – we are still toting up sales and costs. The funds will to be put towards School Spring Clean.

The school also celebrated the 50th anniversary since its founding in the 1961-62 school year with amalgamation of three smaller schools in the area. Thanks to Jane Muhli for a scrumptious and popular cake!

Thanks also to all the parents and teachers who helped with the event, the parents who donated prizes , and Ms Kelly, Mr. Halligan, Mr. Hackett for their paintings.